If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Red Dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum)

After hearing Professor Dave Goulson tell me how to get rid of all weeds from your garden in his talk "Averting the Insect Apocalypse" I never realised how easy it was.  There is no longer a single weed in our garden!

They are all wild flowers :-))

So inspired by his talk I had a wander round the garden, thinking about pollinators and the "Get Cumbria Buzzing" scheme.  I had barely noticed this clump of Dead-nettles.  Now I realise they are a useful resource for the Bumble Bees and Mason Bees.

If any reader is interested Dave's talk is on Youtube, it was last night delivered as a webinar for Cumbria Wildlife Trust.  It had been intended to be delivered personally at the cancelled "Get Cumbria Buzzing" festival.

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