Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

Emotional journey.

This is Maus.

I got this as a gift from a good friend, Jake.

Last time he and his wonderful wife, Julie were up here, we spoke about my planned trip to Auschwitz.

It's a school trip. Should be on Feb 19th but its looking like it might be postponed for a while. Just due to things and stuff. Never a dull moment where I work!

He mentioned this piece of work and I'd never heard of it. Before I know it, a month later he appears with a new one for me as he couldn't find his own.

About a sixth of the way through it and it is just great. I'd urge anyone to have a squint at it.


Thanks Jake. I look forward to finding something equally as excellent to return the gesture.

It really is much appreciated.

Thanks for looking.


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