
Locusts in Africa.
Global pandemic.
Murder hornets. 
Police gassing and beating the people they are supposed to protect and serve.
Monkeys stealing vials of blood intended to be tested for the virus.
Dust clouds across the Atlantic Ocean. 

Now Merriam-Webster has declared, “irregardless” to be a word. 

Humanity had a good run. We did some impressive things. It is all over now. 

I don’t know why, when writing yesterday’s blip, I thought I”d have my computer set up tonight. My last computer is so old that there is no cable in existence which will connect it to the new one. The wifi on the old computer is broken. I’m cloning the hard drive. It will probably be cloned by morning. Then tomorrow I will try to copy that onto the new computer and maybe tomorrow evening I will post my toy composite. It will not be worth the build up so lower your expectations now. 

I was walking Samuel and saw the toilet in the back of the car and did a double take. I asked if I could take a picture. This is how to travel in the Covid era - with your own toilet - since public bathrooms may not be safe.

(I suspect this has to do with a child who is still being potty trained.)

I would dearly like to go somewhere and do something on Sunday but, especially as it will be a holiday weekend, there will be humans all about, breathing. Maybe if I had my own toilet in the car.....

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