
By simisue


"There are 125 days until Election Day.
The Earth is still round, and there is no basis 
for the conspiracy theory that #VoteByMail will corrupt the election."

- -Ellen L. Weintraub, Federal Election Commissioner

I saw this ballot drop off box left over from our primary election, & hope it will stay there until the Presidential Election in November.  It reminded me
that I have lived & voted in 7 different states, in person & by mail.  I have stood in line to vote in churches, schools & libraries; but I prefer to vote by mail, because I can do the research on all the candidates, propositions & judges.  In California, sometimes there are 10 or more propositions on the ballots that are often misleading & confusing,  A little research easily 
settles the confusion.

Even my friends who prefer to vote in person agree this year we should all stay home & mail in our ballots.  Our governor just shut down a wide variety of  indoor activities again because COVID-19 is raging in our area,  like never before.  It was a public health decision, not a political one.

What appears to be a simple common sense. public health decision has been taken over by conspiracy theorists who claim voting by mail is
fertile ground for voter fraud.  In reality, voting by mail has been going all for 
many years, without a hitch. Oregon has total vote by mail; California & Michigan have both, with no problems. 

Some think voting by mail benefits Democratic candidates, which is why our president is on Twitter railing against it.  He advocates the voter suppression tactic on no mail-in ballots preferring to have voters wait  in two-hour lines like they did recently in the Wisconsin primary.  He doesn't care that they expose themselves and the voter registering staff to Corona Virus.

Pretending Covid-19 does not exist anymore, while it rages in his
areas of supporters, may mean the lines will be very short.  Dead voters cannot wait in line to vote.

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