New Book.

This is the book I bought yesterday.  Of all the colouring books I've got, I like this artist the best.

Apart from a trip to Woolworths I've spent all day at home.  The weather has been glorious.

Yesterday when we were sitting in the garden with a cup of tea, Neo walked over to one of his favourite bushes.

A few seconds later, I saw the tabby cat suddenly shoot across the garden and over the fence.  Luckily, Neo didn't see it.

Today when I was outside, I noticed by our water heater a big pile of poo.

It was so big, I thought a dog had been in the garden.  But unless it climbed over the fences, there's no way under the fence for a dog to get in.

So, I can only assume it was the tabby cat.

Such a nuisance, even my own cats don't poo in the garden!

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