Mullien and Pigeon

12°C  -  8 mph S Wind Speed  -  13 mph Gusts  -  Heavy Rain. 
Received the Pain Association Scotland Annual Report 2019-2020 this morning. They do excellent work with courses and groups for those with chronic pain issues, and certainly a great help to me in my hours of need. Covid-19 has changed ways of delivering services but Zoom has been a workable replacement and the Annual General Meeting is going to be via Zoom.  I see they have a website where you can download free relaxation tapes and videos  -  worth a visit. My blip for today is my Mullien which may have reached its full growth  -  I blipped before it on 10th June  - see it HERE  -  it is now over 6 ft tall!!  I shall be watching VERA tonight on STV at 8 pm:)

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