
Oh wow, another hospital!
Yes why not.

Today was Bas' turn again to go see his surgeon.
He's still in ergo-therapy with his hand/finger after his terrible accident in Feb 2019, but his therapist recently said the treatment is coming to an end, despite the fact his middle finger still isn't straight and 100% bendable. She adviced Bas to discuss with the surgeon if another operation would be a solution.

Today we got that answer: No, it isn't.
The doctor doesn't want to open his finger again to loosen some tendons. His argument is that although this might be a text-book-solution, Bas's finger has been through way too much already to handle another operation on it. The outcome would sooner be worse than better.
Instead he advised (just a the therapist mentioned also) an SRS-brace for him. A silver ring that will force his finger in the right direction, an external prosthesis.
Maybe an operation will be possible later, much later. We're talking about years from now.
He also suggested we could get a second opinion somewhere else.

With all that in mind we left the hospital 30 minutes after we'd walked in.
Bas now has to get used to the idea of wearing such a SRS (SIlverRingSpint) maybe for years. He prefered an operation much more.
The fact he can put it on and off at any time reassures him a bit.
Well, time will tell how this will work out. For now, his finger isn't bothering him at all.

I went with him to Groningen after I'd left my parents at 10.30 this morning in Stadskanaal (with kind of a knot in my belly). For the first time they're now alone in their home. My sister will go to them in the afternoon around 15.00. A few hours should be possible.

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