
By CleanSteve

In the last moments before the rain returned

I realised it was about to rain again and having seen this lily had just opened its flowers I rushed to get my camera. It was quite late on the afternoon and with a very overcast sky.

I bought this Lilium Regale plant about three weeks ago and had been sheltering it in the cabin after its tall flower stems had caught the strong winds recently and clattered to the ground. I thought it was better to keep it indoors until the winds dropped. As a result I hadn't noticed the flowers had come out and they look stunning.

The yellow evening primroses are very hardy and have completely self seeded all around the garden, although not in profusion. I always forget what plant produces these rampant purple flowers. Right in the background, in front of the trellis on the wall, is my wonderful olive tree, which is now about ten feet high, and still in a pot. I think it is time it went into the ground. It has been flowering so I'm hoping for some little olives, though whether they will be edible is another matter.

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