Super Saturday!

Who came up with that moniker and expected everyone to act with restraint? Ah yes, that'll be the nation's favourite adviser Dominic Cummings, won't it. I don't suppose he christened it 'super' but I'm sure he might have thought what the press would do. Thursday would have been a good day, I can't think of many gung ho descriptive words there. Thundering thursday, thankful thursday or thoughtful thursday. 

Anyway, I got my hair cut and now I'm going .... to sit down and watch 'Marvellous' on the telly. Marian's been cutting my hair for years so I didn't have to queue and she does a fine job.

It's been a better day than I thought it might be but I haven't been anywhere. This montbretia beckoned to me so I took its photograph.

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