
By Veronica

Thank you gennepher

With love from me and Mystère :)

gennepher made a Zen brush painting of Mystère, so it had to be done. Smoked salmon was required for this photo, and even then the blipportunity was only seconds long. He would like it to be known he's not quite as chubby as that :)

It's taken him a surprisingly long time to settle back in. Since we got back over a week ago he'd been quite nervous and barely left the house. Finally yesterday evening he decided to explore the outer darkness, returning at about 2 a.m.

Yesterday evening was also our first face-to-face book group meeting for many months. There were only five of us, and it was wonderful to be together in person, on M's terrace in Paraza overlooking her vast garden as the sun gently set. We all brought something to eat, and of course there was far too much. Rather than choosing a single book to read, we'd agreed we'd talk about what we'd read during lockdown, so that's what we did. Very interesting.

Earlier I'd been to Just Talk (scrabble in French again) but skipped the rosé session. And today's been a quiet at-home day except for the lovely swim ... I'm still getting the pool to myself by going early. Started a sourdough loaf, we'll see how it goes. And did some tiresome admin for my second attempt at my French pension.

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