A Reed Bunting and a Brambling today

Two new birds for our bird list today. I know they are not the best photos I've ever taken but they add to our record . I've never seen either in our garden before and I think it's the first time I've seen a Brambling.

Snow caused quite a bit of disruption this morning in Sheffield but by lunchtime the roads were wet and we made it to our meeting with the teachers involved in our project. We had an amazing high quality professional discussion - I'd love to see the resources put into education that would support much more of this kind of professional development.

We came home over Grenoside (the highest point around) where the road was clear apart form a little drifting snow. (Though some people who approached us were still driving too fast for the narrowed road and possible hazards!) Just in time to catch our Grimsby fish man who was running late. So fresh fish tonight.

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