Bridge Cottage

We've had a funny couple of days. Yesterday we took Otis back to the RSPCA kennels. It's hard to sum it up concisely for this journal but when we got him he had no history so what kind of home he needed was unknown by the kennels. It's been a case of trying to work things out over the last five months and in many ways he's been doing very well. I think the issue is that he has not been socialised as a kitten and doesn't seem to be able to learn the skills to live in a house. He's always been a bit scared of me (probably a fear of men) and I've not been able to overcome that so some things have been very difficult. We're both feeling very guilty about taking him back but talking to the RSPCA it seemed that it was the right thing. At least they know a lot more now in looking for a suitable home.

We've decided to jump right in and interview for the vacancy. we've been to see some kittens today and one of them was lovely but there were other things we're less sure about with the breeder. 

We passed by this scene and I'm pretty sure I've been here before. I don't think I could stop for a photo then but I did today. As I processed it, it shouted out 'Sepia' to me so I did something with NIK Analog Efex. I haven't used that module before.

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