Falling Giants

Have often said l’m not a fan of collages and here l am with another.
I grew these artichokes from seed quite a few years ago when we had an allotment.
When, after twenty years, we gave up the allotment, l brought the then little plants with me to put in a raised bed in my garden.
How they have grown and l’ve really enjoyed them but l fear they are getting too big as they now come crashing down into the herb bed and their roots are causing the raised bed to split :-(
Just decided if l should call it a day with these and start over again with more seeds.
So l’ve done a collage to remember them by, try to show the different stages though it’s too late in the season to show the buds.
You may notice this snail likes them too but l don’t think they eat them because they are so tough to nibble.
The bottom right shows the flower that emerges if they are left long enough.
At the end of the season they take on a burnished, golden look as they fully dry out , looking very much like sunflowers.
I know they are a vegetable but l never eat these as they add such interest all year, even their silvery leaves are beautiful.
All in all they make a great structural plant.
But all good things come to an end.
Nature certainly shows us that.

Thank you for the response to my little spinning top.
Sorry for not commenting.
I was so unusually tired last night l just crashed out and went to bed, not like me at all.
Feel fine today.

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