A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Great Golden Digger Wasp

A gentle, solitary wasp for your viewing pleasure. These wasps are hardworking friends to gardeners in the Western Hemisphere, from Canada to South America; they primarily eat grasshoppers and crickets, and bore holes in to sandy soil to lay their eggs. When young wasps emerge next June they will repeat the same behavior as their parents • Our butterfly bed is buzzing with activity as most of the milkweed is in bloom. This wasp sipped nectar while two pollinators, miner bees and honey bees, excitedly jumped from flower to flower. All were friendly and tolerant of one another • Wow, is it Hot and Humid outside! After a couple of quick errands we staked up a few plants in anticipation of the tropical storm heading north to New England. Thankfully for us the worst of the storm will hit west of Maine • Happy Friday, All! The weekend is officially loading.

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