A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Feeling Groovy

Newt is one of our three cats, and the only outdoor cat. We “adopted” her after she was abandoned by a neighbor who moved. It’s a long sad story with a happy ending. She’s ours now • Her philosophy is simple: Stop and Smell the Roses (see, another idiom). Take the time to enjoy your surroundings. Stop rushing around because the list will never end • It’s a scientific fact that people are happier when they take time to appreciate the beauty around them • That’s why Blip people are happy people. While we search for that daily shot we’re living in the moment. We are nature people, enjoying and noticing our environment • Like Simon and Garfunkel’s song, we’re kicking down the cobblestones, looking for fun and feeling groovy! • Blip is Daily Gratitude

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