Osprey White-out

With quite a few shots to pick from...I find it hard to believe that I picked this one. I guess it's because it made me laugh.

I went to a mobile home park this morning that is one of my photo haunts. There is an osprey nest waaaay up in a pine tree. I got a couple of shots of the incoming pair, but nothing too good. I was watching the nest when this guy whistled behind me. Put it into ...not to see the poop...but to see the fish under his talons.

But...that wasn't the big surprise at the park. They were holding the State Amateur Shuffleboard Championships. You talk about being in the right place at the right time!! Woo-hoo! I walked in during the quartfinals. 2 men against 2 women. Shuffleboard Bob and his partner were getting whipped by the 2 old girls. You could cut the tension with a knife. Who knew that the 15-20 shuffleboard fans could make so much noise? I took a few pictures, but couldn't stand the pressure...so I left. I'm sure I'll catch the results on the local news tonight. HA!

I was near or at the water today from 8:30 a.m. until sunset...which was about 6:30 p.m. A lot of birds, and a few people shots are on my Flickr Page. Plus...a couple of frisky squirrels. I felt sorry for the family behind me. "What are those squirrels doin...Dad?"

I volunteered to show him the pictures...but Dad wouldn't take me up on it.

Still waiting for a good sunset.

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