Blipper of the Future!

Today was a good day. We decided to drive up to Cuil Bay and take our lunch - the first picnic of the year! The sky ahead was dark and cloudy, but by the time we arrived the sun was out and the sky was blue, with big white clouds. There were a couple of dozen cars parked along the road, but it wasn't difficult to take a picture - see extras - without a soul in sight! A stiff onshore breeze kept the temperature down and the midges away!

This little girl was left behind by her family as she stopped to take a photograph - as I suppose she was doing. Maybe she'll be Blipping her picture! A peaceful spot and one of our favourite picnic places - we showed our age by taking two picnic chairs rather than sitting on a rug, but at least we didn't sit on the road behind the car, as others did! That'll be next year!

Quote of the Day:

Donna McLavy - "I honestly think the beach is the only place children actually entertain themselves."

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