Adventure Take Two

At 8.a.m this morning the helicopter pilot said we were good to fly to Stewart Island.  There had to be two trips to get the seven people over there and all our baggage and new food for the boat.  The first extra is the helicopter landed on a strip of beach in Diprose Bay in Port Pegasus.  We then get aboard a rubber inflatable boat and are ferried out to the Flightless our floating home.  It is an ex navy patrol boat so it is not cruise ship like but very comfy. 
The main blip is a Pelton Wheel.  We went for a ride in the inflatable to see the Belltopper Falls.  They were named for a businessman from Invercargill who visited in his normal formal wear which included a Bell topper hat.  I think the water is brown because of the tanin in the stream.  The Pelton wheel was used to generate electric power for the houses and freezer at a fishing plant that was set up in 1897.  I thought it was a beautiful piece of Victorian engineering.  

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