Almost Together

I thought the pigeons would make an easy 'together' shot for Mono Monday judging by the amount of non-stop canoodling they usually get up to. Not today though, must be the weather.

I've spent a lot of time today restoring files which I accidentally deleted in my quest for a tidier and better organised hard drive and back up system. I managed to get all the missing files back. I'm a bit surprised about how many mobile phone images are in my various Elements albums. Not so surprised about how much rubbish there is on my current phone though, lots of images of shopping lists and meter readings from the FIL's house. It's his birthday today by the way, 91! We phoned him this morning and he can only find one card, not ours. I dread to think how much post has gone missing over the last 4 months.  He doesn't seem at all bothered about us not visiting thank goodness.

It feels like the rest of the day has been spent going around in circles trying to finalise what we want for the en suite refurb. We're going to have to brave it out and visit some bathroom and tile showrooms soon.

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