Rising From The Ashes

So I went into town on some errands. Like many town centres I should imagine, Bicester has a good number of vacant shops. As keen photographers, we all know of the demise of Jessops. That once mainstay of photography on the high street, even if they weren't the most competitive out there at least there was a photographic shop.

I passed our now closed local Jessops and saw that their sign had been daubed over. Now there's a blip I thought! On coming home and looking into the the name on the poster in the window it would appear that a couple of the staff have decided to go it alone and set up their own shop. Here's to that entrepreneurial spirit, I hope they do well.

It would also appear that the daubing wasn't a social comment on the demise of the high street, more an opportunity by the said employees. See here!

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