
By earthdreamer


A random photo on a random day, which started with a perhaps not so random dream.

My dreams are often fantastical affairs with extremely vivid and surreal imagery, holding no possibility of interpretation. They're utterly mad in their randomness, bearing no relation to my reality. This morning, though, I woke out of a dream which involved Boris Johnson!

I was standing next to him, determined to take the opportunity to engage with him and try to get some serious answers to a few serious questions. One on one, away from the cameras, that seemed to be a possibility. But he kept messing about. He fell to the ground and started rolling around, behaving like a puppy. It was exasperating. He refused to take anything seriously. He just wanted attention.

I was about to walk away when someone dashed over to help him up. Apparently, he hadn't been messing about at all but in serious trouble, having some kind of fit. How was I to know? I then felt really bad that I'd not helped him myself. I then thought about my portrait project and really wanted to take his photograph. But it was too late. He was being ushered away by the medics. I couldn't believe I'd messed up the opportunity.

So, what do we make of that?

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