
By Cumbrialass

Chirpy chirpy cheep cheep

I think that was the title of a song, many moons ago.

We were concerned the birds hadnt anywhere to drink so I put out an old dog bowl . 
It proved a success as a bath. I sneaked upstairs to take some photos out of the window.  Feathered friends is our theme in a weeks time. If I want to get some better focused photos I'll need to set up the tripod.. and clean my window!

Drizzle this morning , quite cool at 14 degrees despite the forecast. A pleasant walk with Fletch in  A H woods .

The sun came out late afternoon and it was surprisingly warm. Took Fletch up to the sea wall. A  nice breeze over the water making waves .. very calming. 

Got chatting to a middle aged man walking his dog. Turns out I used to teach him way back in the 1980s!  Nice to chat and gratifying that he had pleasant memories of being in my class. 

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