The Ling

Well it's been a full on day and I'm glad of it.  I've been a bit in my head this last couple of days so doing lots of physical stuff today has been very welcome.  The sunny weather helped as it has meant I could be out of doors, so I set off early on a circuit of the moor.  It was glorious up there, the ling is out, there were bikers and walkers and runners and model aircraft flyers and horse riders doing their thing, much sharing of pleasantries.

Back home I put a second coat of paint on the box, filled the bird feeders, took a few blips of the mini meadow/jungle and then it was time for lunch.  Afterwards I spent an hour in the allotment picking the blackcurrants and then set about cutting back the willow arch, which took me a good couple of hours.

And now I feel pleasantly tired.

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