The Eagle has landed?

...... but he's a Heron nonchalantly fishing on one of the mooring pontoons on the canal and totally oblivious of the narrow boats gliding up and down beside him.  We were one of those boats and have had a lovely leisurely afternoon with H&S on the narrow boat they have hired for a week and which passed through our town today.  They took us for a lovely few miles pootle up and down a stretch of  the Shropshire Union canal to Adderley   (we stopped short of the locks!) and S and Mr HB expertly turned us round in the winding hole and back to MD.  H made us a fabulous lunch after which we popped home to water the tomato plants and rest of the veg and then back to 'Matilda' for a quiet evening.  We won't be needing much more food today.

Extras:  S & Mr HB (the expert cutting crew!!), dapples, Mum swan and her family of 5.

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