Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Back to work, but on lighter duty. My boss asked me if I felt I could work - since she heard that my breathing wasn't good. I told her that as long as I don't have to run a marathon, I'll be ok. I did some smaller chores like getting green kale from the 'kale patch', and rinsing and binding together rhubarbs for an order.

Then my friend came to visit, so I took her for a tour around the greenhouses and she bought both flowers and veggies. 
After that I prepared wood signs for one of the raised garden beds - and it took some time to find the wood parts... I was told that they're 'in the cellar'... If you remember the blip about a part of the cellar were we keep pots and other things, the cellar is rather large and to find pieces of wood to make signs to place in the garden bed so we know what is sowed were... I searched for a while, went up to ask a coworker and got the answer that 'they're in a bucket in the corner'. So I went to look for the bucket in a corner, with no luck. I came up empty-handed and my coworker went down instead. They weren't in our part of the cellar and they weren't in a bucket. :D
When the signs were made I went up to the furthest part of the park to find the raised garden bed I was sowing the different kinds of chard. I talked to my boss for a bit and since I hade to clear away the weed first, I'm doing the sowing tomorrow. 
During the afternoon we had some thunder, on really large 'BANG' so I think it hit somewhere.  

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