
By Cygnus

Little bridge

Our walking schedule continues apace, with another outing to Mountstewart today. We did the longest of the wild trails, which isn’t actually very long as the trail managers funnel all walkers back to the car park after only 6000 (or so) steps.

It only being Monday, we didn’t feel the need for coffee and cake, keeping that as a treat for later in the week! So the Ards Man hastened to the recycling centre with some past-its-best bedding and our week of reorganisation begins. We’re trying to simplify things and edit all our stuff. My cunning plan is if I live simply with minimal furnishings I will have less to clean and dust!

I did think about trying to find a photo for the MonoMonday ‘relaxation’ theme, but I liked this little bridge within the woodland greenery.

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