
By seddon


I forgot to set my alarm for this morning... Typically Chloe did not wake up at 6.30 like she normally does, nor did Thomas come in at 7 to see if we were awake. At 7.44 Chloe started stirring and I woke up in a panic as I could tell it was later than normal! Luckily still plenty of time to get ready to take Thomas to school!
Ben replanted some bits in the garden this morning, then I went food shopping whilst Chloe napped. We all went to pick thomas up from school, Ben walked ahead to get him from the classroom and me and Chloe met them on the corner. Chloe screamed when she saw them ran straight up to Thomas and gave him a big cuddle.. It was very cute!
Home for a play in the garden with Mika, who is so patient with Chloe who strokes him backwards and attempts to pick him up given half the chance. Thomas rescued a bee, even picking it up on a lid and moving it onto the lavender plant before we got it some sugar water and watched it fly off (so impressive when last year he was so terrified of bees that he refused to walk within about 5 meters of one!!)

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