
By seddon

Mr and Mrs Cowan

This morning mummy got up before me and went to get her make up done ready for Kate and Rhys's wedding.
We set off to lytham and managed to check into the hotel room before the wedding started, which was a bonus for me and daddy as we had somewhere to wait whilst mummy attended the ceremony and meal.
Mummy kept coming to feed me whenever I/she needed to, and Me and daddy ventured down to the bar for daddy to get some lunch. Kate introduced me to Rhys and I gatecrashed some of their pictures.
In the afternoon me and daddy went for a walk along the sea front. I wasn't very impressed with the wind! Then we both got ready to go and join mummy at the evening reception.
I was passed around mummy's work friends and spent the night on the dance floor (with a couple of power naps to keep me going!)
It was a lovely day, with lovely people.
Congratulations to the new Mr and Mrs!!

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