Tiny Tuesday . . . Kina/Sea Urchin

There are 500 species of sea urchin worldwide.  The kina is only found in New Zealand.  This is a big shell but I was trying to show the fabulous pattern of tiny holes and bumps.  This shell is bleaching in the weather.  It was harvested on the recent trip to Stewart Island.  It was then boiled to make the spins fall off and the now empty shell given a scrub.  At that stage the outside is brown but now it is being left outside to weather to a beautiful pale green.  Last night's rain gave it a good wash and it is nearly finished the process.  The extra collage shows the top and bottom view and what it looked like straight from the sea.  We did eat the roe which was delicate in flavour and smooth and buttery.  
Thank you Debbi for hosting the challenge. 

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