
Am I missing something? A pay rise of about 3% has been awarded to teachers, the police, doctors and civil servants but the people at the sharp end of caring for us during the pandemic, the nurses have to wait until next year for any pay rise . I can’t see why they could not have been awarded an interim pay rise for services rendered and as a thank you before their scheduled pay increase next year. Not that it has anything to do with me....

My guest arrived last night with her boyfriend slightly later than planned - 4 hours later- but hey I am a cool Grandma who tries to take everything connected to the younger generation in my stride - well I try to - and we had a lovely evening together fuelled by Prosecco wine and beer.
The remains of the chocolate cake I walked over to David and Luca this morning lest I be tempted to scoff any more of it than I had already done.
I intended leaving it on their doorstep not wanting to interrupt their working from home routine but David was waiting for me in his garden and I got a tour of what they have done to their new house since I last saw it in March.
I gave them the matriarchal seal of approval which probably counts for little, but still.....

I went out for a stravaig round the policies after lunch and ended up having a walk in hair cut because the local hairdresser had a cancellation. At last my fringe is short enough now not to act as a windscreen wiper for my glasses..

Fuchsia and hydrangea flowers are in profusion in the gardens now as well as roses, clematis and honeysuckle. The fuschia flowers are so bold and vivid, reminding me of colourful ballet dancers.

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