
By AFoolOnTheHill

I've Got The Music In Me

I was reminded when I came across this diploma dated 1938, that my mother was an accomplished piano player, she would have been 19 years of age when the diploma was awarded, six years later she married my father before he went to France in 1944. I have fond memories throughout childhood and adulthood of Mum playing the piano, she passed in 2005, I often wonder how I ended up playing the guitar. The Victoria College Of Music was formed in 1890 and still exists today.

My album of the day is "Release The Stars" by Rufus Wainwright. Had tickets to see him at Kelvingrove Bandstand On August 1st, but cancelled due to pandemic. Last night I watched "I'm Your Man" a tribute to Leonard Cohen, which prompted me to dig out the album. Wonderful music with beautiful melodies, clever lyrics and he plays the piano, favourite track "Going To A Town".

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