Happy bear

After I had blipped yesterday, the hospital had phoned to tell me that the blood the jedi had in his urine is a infection. So the poor wee wildling is fighting tonsillitis and a urine infection. So no wonder things have been a little slow with him improving.

He didn't have a great night last night and we were both up at 4.30am .

He perked up and has been happy for a few hours today. And what a delight to see. He has also had four wee spoonfuls of food. The first in a week.

Today we spent the day with our PIN group and Mr R came along too. It was a lovely day out together.

I am giving Mr R a early dinner tonight as I am going round to my neighbour friends garden for some wine . This is my first time out in over a year. And it's just for a couple of hours but it will be fun. I just hope the jedi settles. But I'm just along the road .

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