Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Oh Rowan Tree

Oh rowan tree, oh rowan tree
Thou'lt aya be dear to thee
Entwined thou art wi' many ties
O'hame and infancy
Thy leaves were aye the first of spring
Thy flowers the summer's pride
There was nae sic a bonnie tree
In a' the country side
Oh rowan tree
(John McDermott)

Known as the Mountain Ash in countries south of the border, here in Scotland though it will always be a rowan. Good for keeping witches away from the door and also makes a very nice jelly to eat with meat. I can't believe that the berries are out already, I guess the soft fruit season bridges summer into Autumn, but surely not yet, its only July.

Today started well, a lovely sunny day so once I got myself going I went out for a run just after 9. I managed to do 5k so was really pleased with myself. That's the third time I've managed to run 5k and the first time I've managed the full 5 for two weeks.
Back home I had myself a nice slow recovery. I then relished the fact that I had decided it was not going to rain and had left Ali's washing out over night. I love bringing in washing which has dried on the line and is warm from the sun. Finished and hung out another load to make the most of the sunshine.
After lunch, I took a bunch of sweet peas to a friend from church who had been unwell but is now home and recovering. From there, on to the big excitement of the day as I made my way to Gail, my lovely hairdresser. My hair was last cut and coloured in January to go to India so it's been over 6 months, it's looking remarkably good considering. It looks much better now though and I'm back to being a short haired blond bombshell!!! See tomorrow's extra for the evidence!

I came home and then, suitably admired decided to pop out to the shops for a couple of things. It's been a lovely warm afternoon so when I got back we sat out in the garden for a while before dinner then relaxed with some mindless quiz games on tv.

Have a good evening everybody, hope you are all well and healthy, stay that way.

Steps today 18401

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