Life through the lens...

By ValC

High and dry

Isn't this just wonderful!

We just made the train with 3 mins to spare! (bus was late, then diverted, a mad dash through Leeds, never run so fast for ages! )
Beautiful winters day! Sun and blue sky perfect for our train journey throught the wonderful Dales countryside to Morecambe.
(known as Bradford- by- the- Sea as in the late early 1900's most Bradford people had their holidays in Morcambe, and many retired there, including my greatgrandfather).

The snow on top of Pen y Ghent, and Ingleborough just made the views even more beautiful. (see my blip folio)
We were held up for 20mins in Lancaster and finally reached Morecambe about 1pm.

A brisk walk along the prom. to our favourite cafe at the West Endof the promenade, near Sandylands.
Huge windows over looking the bay and across to the Lake District give you what must be one of the best views in the country. Today with the snow on the peaks just made it breathtaking.
A delicious spicy Thai butternut-squash and chilli soup with forccia bread,(all homemade) soon warmed us up, as inspite of the sunshine the wind was quite strong. A real Artic blast!

Another walk up to the other end of the prom. Of couse had to see Eric's statue!
(see folio) All the time we couldn't keep our eyes off that wonderful panorama
of the bay. As ever the tide was out, but that added to the beauty.

We finished the day off with tea at the Midland Hotel.(also see blipfolio)
This was opened in 1933, and is in the typical Art Deco style.
Wallis Simpson, and Coco Chanel were among the many celebs. that stayed here in it's hey day.
However after many years of deteriation it closed in 1998.

Fortunately bought and restored to it's former glory, and reopened in 2008, when 5,000 visited it on the 1st day!

Another wonderful view from the bar and restaurant.
(Just don't have the cup of tea. £3.25 each and the worst I have ever tasted!!)
Managed to catch the 4.19pm train back to Leeds, just as the sun was starting to go down. We watched the sky change the most wonderful colours of orange,pink and red,on the way back. Shining on the snowy hills.
What an end to a great day out. One of our best ever!

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