Life through the lens...

By ValC

Magic comes to Oakwell

On the film set of Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell.
The bestselling novel by Susanna Clarke, and now being made into a film for the BBC.

Lucky me! I was allowed inside Oakwell Hall to see them putting the finishing touches to the film set.
Could only take a quick shot.( wasn't supposed to be there!)
I just couldn't believe what they had done to the inside of this beautiful old building (dating back to the 1580's)
It is supposed to look derelict, with a tree growing through the wall into the main hall.
The problem is going to be putting it back to what it was like before!
This is what it looked like before see here

Filming starts tomorrow.
They have already filmed in other parts of Yorkshire.
Including Kirkstall Priory, and Wentworth Woodhouse.
Also Wakefield. See some photos SEE HERE

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