Looking How I Feel ...................

.......... very grumpy!!!!!

I should have been in Berlin, Germany now but at 20.45 last night I got a call to say that the trip had to be cancelled as the official UK paperwork had not been completed properly and I could not travel without it! I only get paid if I have set off and I wasn't due to leave until midnight - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Woody Woodpecker has been in the garden every day this week and I have taken photos of him every day too but, this morning, his expression just summed up my mood - because of trees in the garden any sunshine tends to be in 'stripes' and I managed to get him in a sunny bit!
The downside of this is he was about 65' away, it is through glass and I have applied a major crop so maybe a little blurred but I wanted you to see his colouration, grumpy face and muddy beak!! I have small holes all over the grass where he has been frantically digging.


Thanks for all the comments and safe travel wishes yesterday - very much appreciated.

NIKON D90 : f/5.6 : 1/320" : 300mm : ISO 200

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