Creeping Bellwort

About a month ago I noticed that a couple of these plants had sprung up along our back neighbor's fence. The fence borders our property, and I  thought they looked really pretty. This morning, as I was weeding along the back side of my peonies, I noticed several of these stems of flowers had sprung up & wondered where they'd come from, as they're nowhere near those other plants at the back of our yard. I got the camera and took a few pictures, then looked them up online. This is what it said:  "Native to Europe, creeping bellwort was actually introduced to North America as a lovely new ornamental and it quickly became popular with unsuspecting gardeners. In fact, I frequently see this plant on tables at plant sales or potted up and sitting on the sidewalk outside of people’s houses with a “Free” sign on it. (To be fair, it isn’t invasive everywhere like it is here in the Midwest.) The problem is, creeping bellwort has a very strong and extensive root system so it spreads quickly and will easily take over your garden and choke out other plants."  
Oh great! Beautiful, but deadly! As soon as I'm through here, I'll be going outside to commit plant murder......or maybe I should just pot it up and put it out on the sidewalk in front of the house with a "free" sign on it! LOL. Thanks Miranda for your Wild Flower challenge. :)

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