
This is our friend Ricardo. He's lived on the streets for many years - many many times we thought we'd find him dead, and yet, during quarantine, he managed to turn his life around and he's the healthiest and happiest we've ever known him! I spent time with him this morning recording his story, how life is on the streets and what he thinks the needs are. We're looking to send his, and others, stories to the powers that be and various publications.I think so often here people just have no idea of the reality of homelessness. Saw some other friends on the streets and I was delighted to be able to give André some red high top trainers - his colour, his size, his style!
Straight from there I met a friend to go to a countryside pool place where Juliette was spending the day for her 30th birthday. Lovely to have a drink with her and talk. The extra is of her and her boyfriend, Pierre, on the phone to Pierre's boys. 
Back home and from there to the park to meet up with the school families. One of the girls moved to Italy, but her and her mom are back for the summer. Asha was delighted to see Teresa again. Home by 10pm...shattered. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Ricky's willingness to share his story.
2) A German language Bible arriving for one of the homeless guys - it means I definitely navigated Amazon Deutschland correctly. Thankgoodness for GCSE German, ha!
3) The variety of people I've spent time with today.

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