Of rich and royal hue..

By mintlawquine

Blue skies

Not quite a New Zealand-style tussocks and sky photo but as close to it as I've got for a while! The sun came out in between the hail showers and brightened my day.

I had been having what can only be described as a "blonde" day except that I haven't been blonde for a long time. People that know me know that I am usually very well organised. Not today! I had arranged to meet my boss at lunchtime. So the appointed time came and went - no sign. Checked the phone to discover I was in the wrong place. Those of you familiar with Inverurie will know it is well served by several very good eating places. Too much choice sometimes. Anyway we eventually had our meeting. He left at 2, and I stayed on expecting to meet with another colleague. Ten minutes later, no sign. Yes you guessed, she was sitting waiting for me in yet another venue! I got there as she was just about to leave. We had to laugh about it - not me at all. I'm putting it down to my head being elsewhere. Still no sign of this new baby!

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