Young Raven

17°C  -  9 mph NNE Wind Speed  -  12 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Showers.  Shopped locally for paint to do my two garden benches.  Now all I need are some dry days without rain!  Lidls wasn’t very busy and everyone was wearing face masks. Did a quick shop  -  I always feel sick after wearing a mask  -  probably due to my Bronchiectasis  -  so my shops are all very quick these days.  Parked my car at the bottom of the drive where no-one has parked before  -  I think I should be OK in that space!  My fledgling Raven was back today and kept the Pigeons away  -  he stayed for ages.  I think the reflections in his eyes is the tree from next-door’s garden.

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