Russian Sage - Lacey Blue

12°C  -  8 mph SSE Wind Speed  -  9 mph Gusts  -  Rain all day.   Began the day getting soaking wet bringing my green bin in  -  and it literally hasn’t stopped raining all day  -  I haven’t ventured outside again even to fill up the bird feedtrays!  Sorry birds! Then as if all that wasn’t a bit dour, I got a phone call from the lady selling the house next to me asking if I could move my car because I was using the parking space that was on the deeds of her house, and it was putting people off buying the house when another car was in that space.  My deeds do not contain a parking space and I’ve always parked in a space of a  neighbour who hadn’t a car.  Ah well, something else I’ll have to sort out tomorrow!  Not a good day for inspirational blipping☺  Fortunately I had a sprig of my Russian Sage that had broken off while I was weeding yesterday and had brought indoors  -  so I put it on my light pad and here it is  -  a bit of an emergency but better than nothing

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