Man with Dogs on Beach in Rain

It was so dreich that I didn’t go outdoors until 7:40pm. Before then I exercised my mind. I exercised it so much it wanted to disobey me and fall asleep on the job. I didn’t let it. I stayed awake and watched 8 1/2 on Mubi, the great Federico Fellini masterpiece. That’s the sort of person I am, let it be in no doubt. Of course, I’d seen it as a student, as one did. I was already quite pretentious then. 
So, come 7:40pm, as mentioned, I was off - driven off, no less, to the door of the Diggers. There to sup with McC the elder and MrT, and shiver by the open door. That wasn’t the door we came in. This was the exit door, permanently ajar. Part of their high tech covid prevention system. Let’s hope it works. 

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