Philosophy Friday

"When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty, I think only of how to solve the problem.
But when I'm finished if the solution is not beautiful then I know it is wrong."
R. Buckminster-Fuller

Every self-build forum is full of horror stories and contradictory advice. Phil has been a gold-mine of information, but eventually the buck stops with me and decisions had to be made.
If I nail every third one will bend, and every tenth one will spit the wood. And I can't justify a £600 First-fix nail gun for one project so it will be really hard work. Once it's done it's done.
If I screw then really I need to drill. If I over tighten the wood will split, if I counter sink it will weaken. And the screws will be visible.But I can take them back off and repairs might be feasible in the years to come.

So I've built a jig to make drilling easy. I've accepted you'll see the screws, so I've decided to make a feature of them. The little stainless steel cups also stop them over tightening or countersinking. The symmetry appeals to my ocd tendancies.

Learning as I go, but this, the front elevation, with windows and doors, is potentially the trickiest... Though I'm not looking forward to the curved end panels...

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