Life through the lens...

By ValC

Flower Friday

A lovely warm and mainly sunny day for a change.
Had to do some watering again as the pots were very dry.
Must say the garden is looking good at the moment, so thought this week I would do a collage for Flower Friday.

This morning we went on our " Lockdown" walk. Surprising how the countryside has changed in a week or so.
We hardly met anyone.  So different from a couple of months ago when we were all out walking from home, and we would see the same people everyday and say  "Hello"  and have a chat.

A friend called after lunch, and we spent the rest of the afternoon sat in the garden chatting and catching up. As it was warm and sunny we had Magnums instead of tea and biscuits.
( Must remember to restock!)

Can't make out what the weather is going to be this weekend.
A bit mixed I think.
Anyhow  hope you enjoy the weekend what ever the weather.

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