
I do better with deadlines so Kathy and I made a plan for me to turn over the quilt over a glass of wine this evening at 5pm.

I put the last stitch into the border, at 4pm. 

It's a half hour drive to Kathy's house  but they're relaxed about time so I should be able to change out of my tights which I've had on since an 8am Zoom Pilates class.

While folding the quilt to put it in the bag I suddenly remembered the heart I promised to embroider in one corner. Still time...take a deep breath.

Oh s**t, where's the red embroidery floss I traded with Gail for a mask?

Retrace steps everywhere looking for it. No luck. I know I had it in this house.
Retrace steps again. No luck.

Oh well, I can do some simplified version with regular thread on the way there....

No time for comments or the story of why Ali is still in our attic and why he had heart surgery.  

To be continued....

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