Peahen and Peachicks

I didn't take this picture today, but I dated it heavily to try to highlight the chicks which were so cleverly camouflaged they barely showed up at all. These are the birds that spend their days in Kathy's garden and they promenaded past us numerous times in an endless loop of a walk while we drank wine and ate sushi in their garden.

I have now been commissioned to make a quilt for Kathy's other daughter, Allie who lives with her husband in Chili. I think I have plenty of time for that one since nobody knows when they might be able to travel (or enter the US). It will be an interesting challenge to see if I have enough fabric (and imagination) left for another 'scrappy quilt. I'm up for the challenge and I think at least one fabric store is considered 'essential' for mask making purposes and is therefore open.

Deciding that there is no end in sight to quarantine conditions here, I'm grateful that we have created a couple of 'pods' we are comfortable with to sit outside with for a drink or even a meal. Kathy and her husband are one of them. Sanity is being maintained more or less. We are both wandering around in a sort of distracted fog and then wandering around looking for the thing we put down and totally forgot about whilst fogbound. No sign of the red embroidery floss, but I rather liked the sashiko heart I turned out in five minutes yesterday. I might even make it my 'signature'.

Many thanks to all of you who commented and bestowed hearts on the finally finished product. We can move on to something else, though I fear it may be another quilt.

In keeping with the no end in sight theme, I took the rug out of the 'office' where we do Pilates and put it in the guest room closet. We won't be having guests for awhile either, but I hope it doesn't turn into another storeroom. I can now whiz around the room on my rolley  chair and do Pilates without my face in a rug full of dog hair. I do need to locate a nice thick mat since my yoga mat  doesn't quite cushion the bones as well as it did when they were younger. All in all a simple solution to several problems once I admitted that we would probably be doing Zoom Pilates in there for the foreseeable future.

Is there a foreseeable future?

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