Fragile beauty

What a difference a day makes. The fierce north wind had died down completely and the ground was firm with frost so didn't go squelch with each step, making the walk today a real pleasure. The dogs were unusually interactive today though and each time I hovered to take a photo, particularly when I lay on the damp ground, they were suddenly at my side! I spotted this icy gem towards the end of the walk and loved the way the ice sheath was still holding - just - despite the fact that the underlying puddle had dropped in height by about two inches. It still had a firm grasp of a few spikes of grass and the ripples shone in the light, frozen in time and, as it happened, space. I had taken just a couple of photos when Bruce suddenly muscled in and put his paw right on the fragile surface. At least I had a couple of shots before the damage was done and was pleased with the way they looked when I got home.

I am starting to check out my fabric so I can soon begin designing a long overdue quilt for my third grandson. Its theme is space travel. The quilting on the large double bed quilt is progressing nicely but sometimes it is good to work on a smaller project simultaneously.

Thank you so much for the stars and hearts on yesterday's sunset. It was definitely worth getting frozen fingers!

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