Visiting stabels

Pretty warm Sunday +23c. My vacation has been long enough, I guess, as I almost am longing to get back work... But then again no. Easily lazy day, first time for ages, as I really took it easy on Sunday!

I had left to stables with my daughter, to see her riding and gaining some horse therapy, and we had a long chat and catching up with the owners of the stables. Back home a late lunch and photographing flowers of our own backyard. Used hammock too, but there was no clouds to count, so I started catching up on your blips!

Weather forecast shows rain and cool days after tomorrow, so I decided to clean the air ventilator and turn it into slightly warming position to avoid indoor humidity. As Hubby last time was checking the ventilator with me, he was convinced that no coarse filter was needed outdoors. Which meant, that the indoor filter (inside the ventilator) had collected plenty of insects. Crouse, in the extra! My daughter was delighted, wondering if someone would have been able to study those insects...
Now as the outdoor filter seems to be rather useful, it is in use again.



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