
By ayearinthelife

Throwing It All Away

Another wet Tuesday post lockdown, but pre gym opening, means another day working our way through all the stuff we’ve accumulated as a result of clearing three family houses in the past four years.
Whilst the old photos and documents will gradually get whittled down and/or transferred on to PC, there are a considerable number of “things” that come under the categories of “might be useful”, “have nostalgic memories” or “require a bit of investigation”
There is no point in us hanging on to things that have no meaning, usefulness or relevance as both Mrs C and myself are the last of our respective lines. So now is the time to take a good hard look at everything and decide if it’s worthy of keeping - for either aesthetic or nostalgic reasons - or if it’s just something that is taking up space and neither of us would be bothered if it wasn’t there.
So far, it’s a bit of a 50/50 exercise and I’m sure there will be another clear out further down the line. I really don’t want to end up in my dotage having to wade my way through piles of crap every time I want to make a cup of tea. It’s nice to have possessions and memorabilia but it’s important not to let them take over your life. If there’s one thing we’ve all learnt in the last four months, it’s that the future might not be as bright - or as long! - as we may have anticipated this time last year. Definitely a time for the here and now and looking to the future, rather than getting dragged down by the baggage (literal and metaphorical) of the past.

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