
By tookie


....their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiniess

This is a sign painted on a fence in a neighborhood near where we live.  It's pretty amazing to see this here in Bellevue ,wA.  
Bellevue used to be mostly white with a reputation of very weallthy folks...over the years there is still concentrated wealth but now the minority population is greater than that of Seattle...there are many people of color here and more diverse religious affiliations present here too.  Much work to be done, but the city and schools have vastly addressed issues on diversity and I've seen many positive changes since we moved here in 1975 buying a home in the burbs that was cheaper than Seattle prices at the time and they were doing red lining and we couldn't get a loan for a Seattl e home.  I took a course on Undoing Institutional Racism  (read about it from Kendall's site)  and am going to see about putting a proposal togther to present to the City of Bellevue and the Bellevue School District.  A proposal to see about the city staff and school district staff going through this same course as it was excellent .  The police dept. too.   We shall see.

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